Effective April 3, 2023, Oregon OSHA implemented a temporary rule, which rescinds the COVID-19 Workplace Requirements for All Workplaces (OAR 437-001-0744) and Requirements for Employer-Provided Labor Housing (OAR 437-004-1115). This will remain in place until official rulemaking can occur.
In March of 2022, OSHA removed many of the COVID-19 requirements for general workplaces, such as indoor face mask requirements, but kept those rules in place for employers in healthcare settings. Now, under this rule change, employers in healthcare settings are no longer required to wear face masks. The revised rules acknowledge that employees may still choose to wear a facial covering and therefore the employer should “allow employees to wear a face covering if they so choose, unless doing so creates or otherwise exposes the employee to a hazard.” Employers may also implement workplace requirements that go beyond these rules, such as requiring employees to wear face masks. However, employers who require face masks must supply them to their employees at no cost.
According to the state agency, this is “in alignment with updated public health guidance from the Oregon Health Authority.”