If you are a professional in Salem between the ages of 20-40, we are here to help you get connected and build your career or business.
Develop the leadership skills and relationships you need to thrive.

Salem Emerging Leaders Development Series
What does it mean to be a leader in 2022?
Join us for a three hour session focused on helping you understand what it means to be an impactful leader in your business and community.
August 16th, 2022, 1:00PM-4:00PM
Pfeifer Roofing, Inc.
4835 Ridge Dr NE
Salem, OR 97301
2nd Floor Conference Room
Founded and organized by The Salem Area Chamber of Commerce (501c3), this program has been financially supported by the sponsorship of local businesses, for over 25 years. Its mission is to expose highly motivated and interested people to the community and its issues for the purpose of preparing them to serve in volunteer leadership positions.