During the December 4 legislative committtee meeting of the Joint Committee on Addiction and Community Safety Response, the Salem Aream Chamber of Commerce provided the following in person comments:

Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments on addiction and public safety in our community. In October of this year, we conducted a survey of our business members, and we wish to share the following data as you consider responses to the impact Measure 110 has had on communities throughout Oregon:
• 60% of respondents have experienced open-market drug use near their business.
• 100% have experienced one of the following in the last 24 months:
    Property Damage/Vandalism
    Loss of sales revenue
    Increase in garbage and trash
• 75% have had monetary damage to their property ranging to $10,000 per incident.
• 74% believe Measure 110 has decreased the quality of life in Salem (if that is accurate).

The Salem Chamber represents businesses large and small throughout our region, and as the Capitol City we feel our members have a unique perspective on this conversation. We are fighting to help local businesses not only come to Salem but to remain in Salem.  Prioritizing investments in public safety, providing the right tools for law enforcement, and ensuring communities are able to thrive must be a priority for lawmakers in this discussion.

Our members have shared their experiences with crime, direct threats, an unpresictable environment in which to operate that includes vandalism, theft and immediate danger to themselves, their families and their employees due to current practices. It is time for change to help our economy and our state grow.

We ask for your support and partnership in making Salem and other communities around the state a place where people and business want to not only exist but grow.

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