Family, flexibility, and a solid financial future.

When asked “Why did you go into business?” three Latino business owners shared those answers at a Salem Chamber workshop on September 27th. Pedro Mayoral, Carlos Pineda, and Joaquin Reyes were panelists at the session, hosted by a partnership between the Chamber and the Latino Business Alliance. 

It was the second joint workshop by the Chamber and the LBA this year. Why this partnership effort?  

Because alongside the everyday work that business owners do to build their families’ futures, a conversation is taking place about the growth of our business community.

Oregon’s Latino entrepreneurship is growing at a pace that promises to impact our economy well into the future. Workshop presenter Marin Arreola, speaking about the numbers, points out that Latino business ownership increased 339% from 1992 to 2012.

And that means increasing opportunities.

What if one of the fastest-growing business demographics in our state – Latino-owned businesses – can build their impact through wider business networks?

What if the general business community can create more effective relationships with Latino enterprises, consumers and workforce?

The LBA and the Salem Chamber are working on that.

We’re connecting, listening, and learning, and we invite you to join us.



Mark your calendar for the Sixth Annual Expo Negocio November 10th, 8am to 3pm, at the Chemeketa Center for Business and Industry.

The Latino Business Alliance hosts this day of networking, workshops and seminars in English and Spanish. English-language breakout sessions aim at business cultural competence for reaching and working with Latino clients, employees and partners. The Chamber will be there, and we’d love to help you get connected.

Questions, or interested in learning more about the Chamber/LBA partnership? Email Chandra Andersen at

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