March 12, 2021
Media Contact:
Charles Boyle, 503-931-7773
(Salem, OR) — Governor Kate Brown today issued Executive Order 21-06, requiring all Oregon public schools to offer universal access to hybrid or full in-person instruction by the weeks of March 29 for grades K-5, and April 19 for grades 6-12. The Governor announced she would be issuing the order in a letter to the Oregon Department of Education and the Oregon Health Authority last week.
“On March 12, 2020, I issued my executive order closing Oregon schools for what was then an extended spring break,” said Governor Brown. “One year later, thanks to the hard work and smart choices of Oregonians to slow the spread of COVID-19 in our communities, I am so pleased to see over 174,000 students back in the learning environment that serves them best: in-person instruction. While parents can keep their children in distance learning if they choose, this order will give every Oregon student the option to return to school this year.”
ODE is expected to release updated Ready Schools, Safe Learners guidance for school districts early next week, before the March 19 deadline set by the Governor.