How it’s made…

Over breakfast with my good friend Chris McLaran this morning, he said something that was both humorous and very true:

“Two things you don’t want to watch be made…sausage and laws.”

While sausage is enjoyable regardless of how it’s made, the same can not be said for laws.

This week marks “Legislative Days” at the Capitol Building. House and Senate committees are convening to discuss rule making for laws passed during the 2016 Short Session, and the vision is being cast for the 2017 Legislative Session.

While there aren’t tremendous opportunities for involvement – the process is important. Two key meetings include:

  • Senate Committee on Business and Transportation, meeting from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM on May 24th in Hearing Room B
  • House Committee on Small Business Growth, meeting from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM on May 25th in Hearing Room E

If you’re able, I encourage you to witness some of this rulemaking happen. Our presence now goes a long way toward our mobilization success come the 2016 Legislative Session.

What are “Legislative Days, anyway”?

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