What happens when you have a strong business community passionate about shaping the future of Salem?
Over one hundred business community individuals from SEDCOR, Mid-Valley Association of Realtors, the Home Builders Association and the Salem Area Chamber of Commerce came to provide input at the Our Salem project meeting on Tuesday, November 19, at the Chamber of Commerce.
The goal of the jointly-hosted meeting was to provide an opportunity for individuals in the business community to give the City of Salem feedback on the Salem Area Comprehensive Plan.
City of Salem Project Manager Eunice Kim, along with nine other city employees, facilitated an exercise where groups were asked to place stickers on different locations on a map of Salem, indicating where different development areas should take place in the future.

Stickers also included spaces like commercial spaces single-family housing and multi-family housing. The groups were also able to use sharpies to indicate spaces and needs that were not addressed with the stickers, such as where to place roads, bike paths and bridges.
Share Your Voice
If you would like to contribute your vision to how Salem should develop and grow, you can take the City of Salem’s online workshop here.