The Salem Area Chamber of Commerce is proud to celebrate your business with a ribbon cutting ceremony! This service is at no cost to Chamber Members who are celebrating a grand opening or milestone anniversary. It is unique way for the Chamber to help market you and your business. 

Click here to complete the Ribbon Cutting Request Form.

Ribbon Cuttings are a great way to celebrate:

  • Grand Opening (within 1 year of opening)
  • Milestone Anniversary (10 years or more)
  • New Location
  • New Owner
  • Renovation/Expansion

The Chamber will provide:

  • A staff member or Ambassador to facilitate your ceremony
  • Large ceremonial scissors and ribbon
  • Your event listed on the Chamber website
  • Emailed event invitation to Chamber Ambassadors and announcement in the Greeters flyer
  • Photos of ribbon cutting ceremony posted on Chamber Facebook

Ribbon cutting at Bo&Vine

Planning your ribbon cutting: 

  • Ribbon cuttings must be planned a minimum of 4 weeks in advance. Requested dates are on a first come-first serve basis. Dates will not be held or added to the Chamber calendar until the Ribbon Cutting Request Form is completed in full.
  • Ribbon cuttings must be Monday-Friday between 9am-4pm. Ribbon cuttings outside of the Chamber’s regular operating hours will not be accommodated.
  • The Chamber cannot guarantee attendance at your event. From our experience, events held during standard business hours tend to have the best turnout.
  • We are not able to facilitate ribbon cuttings on the same day/time as a scheduled chamber event. Please review the chamber’s events calendar when selecting your date. (Ribbon cuttings may be scheduled on committee meeting dates, but not within one hour before/after the scheduled meeting.)
  • It is suggested that you consider hosting an open house in conjunction with your ribbon cutting ceremony. Invite your clients, neighbors, family, friends and colleagues, promote your event on social media and to other groups you may be a part of.
    • Facility tours and a reception with refreshments are recommended for after the ceremony.
  • If you plan to offer discounts, prizes or giveaways, make sure to include this information on the Ribbon Cutting Request Form to help us better promote your event.

Questions? Contact the Salem Area Chamber of Commerce at 503-581-1466 or


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