The 2021 Salem Chamber Legislative Priorities represents the legislative priorities of Oregon’s local business communities as represented by the 86 local Chambers of Commerce from across the State of Oregon.
2021 Legislative Priority List – Support:
- Liability protections for businesses related to COVID-19 guidance (HB 2638 & SB 780)
- Tax relief for commercial landlords related to COVID-19 (SB 330)
- No taxation on federal stimulus checks (SB 842)
- Adjusting Unemployment tax rates (HB 3389)
- Suspending Zone employment requirements for Enterprise Zones (HB 2343)
- Remove airport fuel sunset (HB 2034)
- Increased funding for community colleges to support workforce development
2021 Legislative Priority List – Oppose:
- Increasing taxes on small business (SB 139)
- Disconnection from the Federal CARES Act (SB 137 & HB 2839)
- Taxing PPP loans (HB 2253 & HB 2457)
- Expansion of family leave down to one employee (HB 2474)
- Additional workforce regulations related to COVID-19
- OLCC floor model pricing hikes
The Salem Chamber is organized to give a voice to our local business communities throughout our region in support of policies that enable business success, job growth and income growth. We believe a healthy business climate, and the jobs that such a business climate creates, is the key to building up our local communities, adequately funding social services and making our state prosperous. We believe in helping business prosper, so our entire community may thrive.
The 2021 Salem Chamber Legislative Agenda is a reflection of our collective desire to see that every Oregon community is able to grow and develop a vibrant local economy that can support each community’s needs. Of particular importance this session is the support and recovery of businesses related to the COVID-19 response and wildfires.