Building Blocks

Expertise cannot be inherited; it must be introduced, taught and trained. At Parr Lumber, one of the largest building material suppliers in the nation, this notion is being built to last. CTEC Graduates Tim Kiser, 20, and Michael Elder, 18, work the yard at Parr...

Put a Little Forum in Your Life

Hello Everyone!Tristin Sornson here, the Chamber staff member responsible for organizing the Forum Speaker Series. I am beyond excited to share a little about what we have coming up for you this year. First off, if you are unaware of the Forum Speaker Series, you...

Measure 24-399

During the Salem Chamber’s July board meeting, the Board of Directors overwhelmingly approved Chamber support of M24-399. M24-399 is a local bond measure that will, if passed, provide funding for a much needed police facility for the City of Salem’s Police...
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