by Chamber Comms | May 18, 2023 | Chamber Blog, Public Policy blog
Last week (May 11, 2023), Salem Chamber staff and Business Advocacy leaders attended Chamber Day at the Capitol hosted by the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce. Our members, along with members from chambers around the state, received updates on issues impacting...
by Chamber Comms | May 16, 2023 | Chamber Blog, Public Policy blog
What happened on Monday? The Senate remains at a standstill as Republican lawmakers continue their collective absence. These Senate members have been out since May 3, denying the Senate the two-thirds quorum needed to conduct business. The walkout coincides with...
by Chamber Comms | May 15, 2023 | Chamber Blog, Forum Speaker Series
On Monday, May 8, 2023, the Forum Speaker Series welcomed former Oregon Senator (2006-2021) and Oregon Gubernatorial Candidate (2022) Betsy Johnson to share her experiences in public service and during her run for Governor last year. In taking questions from the...
by Chamber Comms | May 9, 2023 | Chamber Blog, Public Policy blog
Where do we go from here? While we wait to hear whom Governor Kotek will appoint to the Secretary of State, we also wait to see what bills will move this legislative session. The Senate hit a screeching halt last Wednesday with Republicans denying quorum and...
by Chamber Comms | May 7, 2023 | Chamber Blog, Public Policy blog
On May 4, 2023, local leaders gathered at the Chamber for a presentation by the City of Salem on the city’s budget deficit and the ways in which the city is looking at adding revenue sources, including a potential Employee Paid Payroll Tax. Click above to watch...
by | May 4, 2023 | Member News, Press Release
Corvallis, OR – Oregon State Credit Union has named Kim Sather to be the credit union’s new executive vice president/chief information officer, announced Oregon State Credit Union President/CEO Rick Hein. As chief information officer, Sather will be responsible for...
by Chamber Comms | May 4, 2023 | Chamber Blog, Forum Speaker Series
Former Oregon Senator Betsy Johnson played a unique and system-disrupting role in last year’s Gubernatorial race. Now, she is coming to Salem in a rare public appearance to share her story with us! Join us for a special Forum Speaker Series Luncheon on Monday,...
by Chamber Comms | May 1, 2023 | Chamber Blog, Public Policy blog
Tensions Rise The House will take up two bills this week — HB 2002 and HB 2005 — both dealing with hot-button social issues that will likely generate a lot of emotion and hard feelings among legislators. The House floor session is expected to be contentious enough...
by Chamber Comms | May 1, 2023 | Chamber Blog
The Spring 2023 Issue of the Salem Chamber’s 503. Magazine is out! Click here to read the latest edition online. Some highlights from this issue include: A feature about the Chamber’s recent investments in Business Advocacy during the 2023 Legislative...
by Chamber Comms | Apr 26, 2023 | Chamber Blog, Forum Speaker Series
Join us at the Convention Center on Monday, May 8 as the Forum Speaker Series welcomes former Oregon Senator and Gubernatorial Candidate Betsy Johnson to share the incredible stories from her political life, including from her system-disrupting run for Oregon governor...