by Chamber Comms | Jun 24, 2020 | Uncategorized
The impact that large businesses have on small communities should never be overlooked. When big box stores come into cities and constantly look for ways to give back and help the community, it can make a huge difference. One business that has done just that is Office...
by Chamber Comms | Jun 22, 2020 | Chamber Blog, Uncategorized
If you are struggling with how to market your business in the current environment of uncertainty, you are not alone. Many members want to get the word out that their businesses are once again open for trade. However, some do not quite know how to advertise without...
by Salem Chamber | Jun 17, 2020 | Public Policy blog, Uncategorized
NEWS RELEASEJune 17, 2020Media Contact:Charles Boyle, 503-931-7773 Governor Kate Brown Announces Plans for Face Covering Requirement, Outlines Next Steps in County Reopening Process Press availability scheduled for 11 am, Thursday, June 18 (Portland, OR) — Governor...
by Salem Chamber | Jun 17, 2020 | Public Policy blog, Uncategorized
OSCC has joined with other organizations, calling on the Legislature to extend liability protections to businesses affected by COVID-19. The letter asks that during a Special Session, Oregon Legislators should immediately pass legislation that provides: Protection...
by Salem Chamber | May 7, 2020 | Coronavirus, Uncategorized
In a press briefing earlier today, Governor Kate Brown announced additional details for the Phase I reopening of Oregon. The Governor will begin accepting applications for reopening counties on May 8. Oregon counties must meet certain criteria to reopen, including: ...
by Salem Chamber | Mar 12, 2020 | Public Policy blog, Uncategorized
Candidates for Wards 1, 3, 5, & 7 Candidates for Marion & Polk Counties March 12, 2020 Topic: City Council Candidates (Salem) and Marion & Polk County Commissioner Candidates Speakers: Ward 1, Ward 3, Ward 5, Ward 7, & Mayoral candidates (Salem)...