2016-2017 Leadership Development Series Impact

Salem is an incredible community with many opportunities for young professionals as the city is a dynamic location for business. Keeping this in mind, the Inspire Foundation partnered with the Salem Young Professionals to find ways to engage young and talented people...

May 2017 Annual Appreciation Luncheon

“At the Chamber, we are surrounded by good people,” said Jim Bauer, Board President of the Salem Area Chamber of Commerce, at the Annual Appreciation Luncheon on May 8, 2017. “People who work to make the community better.” Bauer’s words could not be more true because...

Chief Operations Officer Announced

For Immediate Release Nick Williams announced as Salem Chamber’s Chief Operations Officer October 4th, 2016 SALEM, OR – Salem Area Chamber of Commerce CEO Dan Clem announced that, effective October 1st, Nick Williams will serve as Chief Operations Officer. Previous to...

Leadership Salem – On the Ropes

When asked what he learned about himself on the first day of Leadership Salem, Bryce Petersen said “I learned that I really enjoy ‘taking the first step’.”Many first steps were taken September 13th at the YWAM Ropes Course, as the 2017 class of...
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